Thigh Lift

Thigh Lift
Thigh lift surgery is a surgery performed to shape the thigh area that has sagged due to excessive weight loss, pregnancy, aging, etc. Thigh lift surgery is suitable for patients who do not have a weight problem but are unhappy with the appearance of their legs due to sagging in the thigh area. In thigh lift surgery, the sagging skin on the upper legs is removed and the remaining skin is tightened towards the groin.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a thigh lift be performed without surgery?
It is not possible to have a permanent thigh lift without surgery.
What is the recovery process like after thigh lift surgery?
There may be pain that can be relieved with simple painkillers for a few days after the surgery, this is normal. Self-dissolving stitches are used in thigh lift surgeries and therefore they are not removed. We recommend that our patients do not smoke as it delays wound healing after the surgery.
Are thigh lift surgeries permanent? Will sagging occur again?
Thigh lift surgeries are permanent and the results last a lifetime, but deformation may occur if weight control is not taken into account after the surgery.
Will there be any scars after thigh lift surgery?
In thigh lift surgery, the scar is planned to be in a place that is as invisible as possible. The surgical scar may be only in the groin area or may extend further down from the groin depending on the extent of the sagging. The scars appear red for the first 3-6 months and then usually turn skin color.
How long does thigh lift surgery take?
Thigh lift surgeries are surgeries performed under general anesthesia and usually last between 2 and 4 hours.
When can I return to my normal life after the surgery?
You can return to your daily life approximately 1 week after the surgery.
Can thigh lift surgery be performed together with other surgeries?
Thigh lift surgery can be performed alone or in combination with surgeries such as breast augmentation, breast reduction, or tummy tuck.