Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation
Breast has a very important place in a woman's body appearance. There is more aesthetic difference between two women with the same waist and hip ratio but different breast sizes than expected. Just as an arched nose looks more beautiful when it is adapted to the face, as if the cheeks, chin and lips are changed, breast augmentation is a complement to the general aesthetic appearance of the body. Because we perceive what we see as a whole and we characterise the proportions of objects as beautiful. Breast augmentation surgeries are mainly preferred by women who are young and whose body development is complete but whose breasts remain small or who have lost the fullness of their breasts as a result of pregnancy, breastfeeding or excessive weight loss.
There are many methods to enlarge the breast. The most commonly used and most successful operations are those performed with silicone breast prostheses. The breast can also be enlarged with fat and artificial fillers, but it is difficult to achieve a long-lasting and healthy result. More important than the volume of the breast is how this volume will be distributed, that is, its 3-dimensional shape. In order to provide the optimal shape, personal characteristics and mathematical measurements should be evaluated very well. According to these measurements, the volume, height, length, content and shape of the prosthesis should be decided.