Op. Dr. Aykut ÖZPÜR | Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Uzmanı | Nişantaşı-İstanbul




Liposuction is the process of removing fat tissue from areas such as the abdomen, chin, arms, and hips, where regional fat accumulates despite diet and exercise, for body shaping purposes using various techniques. Although liposuction is considered a weight loss method, it is actually a body shaping surgery.

There are 4 methods used in liposuction operations.
1. Classic liposuction: It is the removal of fat from the body by inserting a cannula through small skin incisions with the help of vacuum.
2. Laser liposuction: In laser liposuction, fats are first broken down with a laser and then removed from the body.
3. Ultrasonic liposuction (VASER): In Vaser liposuction, fats are broken down with ultrasonic sound waves and then removed from the body.
4. Radiofrequency liposuction: In this technique, fats are melted with radiofrequency waves and, unlike other methods, it also helps tighten the skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is liposuction suitable for?

Women and men who are at or close to their ideal weight, who do not have a health problem requiring anesthesia, who cannot get rid of regional fat with diet and exercise, can have liposuction.

You can return to your normal life within 3-5 days after liposuction. Bruising and swelling generally begin to decrease rapidly 1 week after the operation. Pain may occur for the first few days, it will be sufficient to use the medications prescribed by your doctor.
Liposuction can be applied to almost any area of ​​the body where fat is concentrated. In women, it is generally applied to the hips, buttocks, thighs and chin areas, and in men, it is mostly applied to the abdomen and waist area.
The amount of fat that can be removed with liposuction depends on the patient's weight and fat percentage. The maximum amount of fat that can be removed at one time is usually 5% of body weight.
Liposuction is performed under general or local anesthesia. In this way, patients do not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. There may be pain for a few days after the procedure, but this process will be more comfortable with the painkillers given by your doctor.
Liposuction surgery is permanent if you continue your diet and regular exercise.
Liposuction is performed through small incisions of 2-4 mm. Small scars may remain in the application areas, but these scars become less noticeable over time.

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