Op. Dr. Aykut ÖZPÜR
Op. Dr. Aykut Özpür was born in 1982 in Isparta ’. After graduating from Gönen Anatolian Teachers High School, he started his medical education at Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine. In the faculty of medicine, he gained knowledge and experience about Plastic Surgery and Microsurgery, which he had dreamed of and had always dreamed of since his high school years, and in 2008, he started his Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery education at Bezmialem (Vakıf Gureba EAH) University.
He especially concentrated his studies on microsurgery, free tissue transplants and adipose tissue-derived stem cells. In order to reduce deaths as a result of skin loss in large areas of the body and to obtain healthy skin, stem cell-derived artificial biological skin has started to work. This study was approved by the Ministry of Science and Industry SANTEZ projesi desteğine layık görüldü.
He presented the results of two and a half years of experimental and clinical research at the National Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress in 2013. He was awarded the first prize in the experimental branch of the assistant presentation competition with this study. The Biological Skin article describing the study was published in the world’s most prestigious plastic surgery journal “Plastic Reconstructive Surgery” and was selected as the best article of the year.
Similarly, he also took part in the projects supported by the Ministry of Science and Industry developed to create artificial biological bone tissue. He published his studies in national and international articles. He shared his work with oral presentations at national congresses.
Op. Dr Aykut Özpür is currently serving in his own clinic in Nişantaşı.