Chin Aesthetics

Chin Aesthetics
When evaluating the aesthetic appearance of the face, the harmony of the chin, cheek, forehead and nose ratio is one of the most basic issues. The need to change the tip of the chin and the general appearance of the chin is often not clearly expressed by people. It is often recognised during a rhinoplasty or facial rejuvenation examination. During the examination of the chin, attention should be paid to the inclusions of the teeth and the levels of the lower and upper jaw. If there are problems in tooth inclusions, orthodontic treatment should be started first. The need for orthognathic surgery should be evaluated by making cephalometric analyses. If there are no tooth closure problems, operations to shape the jaw can be planned.
There are many methods for jaw shaping. Among the non-surgical methods, fillers developed for the chin tip are applications that can be performed under office conditions. Apart from this, the chin can also be shaped with fat fillers obtained from the person's own fat tissue. However, the results and permanence are less predictable. If permanent results are desired in chin aesthetics, advancement of the jaw tip bone or enlargement of the jaw tip with implants can be considered. Medpor or silicone implants are available in a wide range of sizes to enlarge the tip or corners of the chin. The procedure is usually performed under general anaesthesia in 30 to 45 minutes. After the procedure, the chin tip is taped and the tapes are removed after approximately 4 to 5 days.